Cambridge Beer Festival

It’s that time of year again when Cambridge welcomes you to its beer festival which is one of the largest in the UK. The event which opened on the 22nd and runs until 27th May gives you the opportunity to meet lots of like-minded people in a relaxed, fun environment.

This event features a large range of beers, cider, perry, mead and wine from all over the Uk and around the world. It’s not just a great selection of drinks on offer. You’ll be able to soak up a few drinks with fine cheeses, bread (including gluten free), pork pies, scotch eggs, hams, smoked fish, olives and freshly made soup.

The event is becoming more and more popular with each year. It now draws people from all over Europe, China, Canada, USA and Mexico to name a few. So if you fancy heading down make sure you head down early to make the most of your evening.


Location Jesus Green
Open dates 22nd-27th May
Monday to Friday 12:00-15:00 17:00-22:30
Saturday 12:00-22:30
Entrance free-£5.00